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Cara install n konfigurasi Printer Canon PIXMA IP1600

Langkah awal kita cek debian (dalam hal ini ubuntu). kita pastikan terlebih dahulu sudahkah terinstall paket-paket printer cupsys. Dengan mengetikkan “cups” di kolom search pada synaptic dan centang paket cupsys, cupsys-common, libc6, libcupsys2, cupsys-pt dan libcupsys2-gnutls10 . Bila semua semua ok, maka kita download file driver canon 1600 / 1700 di sini :
pstocanonbj_3.3-1_i386 ,
libcnbj-2.6_0-1_i386 ,
Kalo sudah di download alangah enaknya kalo diletakkan dalam sebuah folder. kemudian baru kita coba install file2 tsb dengan cara di klik 2x atau dengan cara :
# dpkg -i libcnbj-2.6_0-1_i386.deb
# dpkg -i bjfilter-2.6_1-1_i386.deb
# dpkg -i pstocanonbj_3.3-1_i386.deb
atau dengan cara :
# dpkg -i –force-overwrite libcnbj-2.6_0-1_i386.deb
# dpkg -i –force-overwrite bjfilter-2.6_1-1_i386.deb
# dpkg -i –force-overwrite pstocanonbj_3.3-1_i386.deb
karena saya sempat mengalami problem ketika menginstall :
# dpkg -i pstocanonbj_3.3-1_i386.deb
melalui konsole maupun di klik 2x
dimana muncul reason error yang disebabkan file “libcupsys2-gnutls10″ tidak terinstall.
kemudian saya coba install dengan :
# dpkg -i –force-overwrite pstocanonbj_3.3-1_i386.deb
setelah selesai mungkin bisa di cek terlebih dahulu:
# dpkg -l | grep libcnbj
# dpkg -l | grep bjfilter
# dpkg -l | grep pstocanonbj
lalu coba restart cupsys:
# /etc/init.d/cupsys restart
kemudian bisa di cek file xxxx.ppd di :
# ls /usr/share/cups/model
karena secara default file xxxx.ppd akan berada disitu.
setelah semua terinstall, maka mulai setting konfigurasi printer dengan melakukan browsing ke alamat :
http://localhost:631 atau
maka akan muncul tampilan untuk ngeset printer, lalu pilih add printer dan isi form spt gbr, lalu klik continue.

kemudian pilih “Canon iP1600 USB #1 (Canon iP1600)” dan klik continue.

lalu pada bagian model coba cari canon iP2200, kalo tidak ada maka klik browse. Dan kemudian browse ke folder /usr/share/cups/model dan pilih : canonip2200.ppd

lalu akan muncul tampilan printer option, dan set sesuai kebutuhan.
READ MORE - Cara install n konfigurasi Printer Canon PIXMA IP1600

Mengembalikan Data FlashDisk / Membuka File Ter-Hidden

  • Hentikan dulu proteksi anti virus yang terpasang di komputer kita
  • Masuk ke menu Start >> RUN lalu ketik cmd (command promt)
  • Lalu ketik attrib(spasi)-s(spasi)-h(spasi)f:*.*(spasi)/s(spasi)/d
  • Atau lebih simplenya ketik attrib -s -h f:*.* /s /d
  • Nah kalo udah ketemu file yg ilang tadi tinggal di save ulang aja, klo bisa taruh di drive laen

catatan: ganti tulisan f dengan lokasi flash disk terpasang, juga bisa membuka data di hard disk juga lohh caranya tinggal ganti aja lokasinya dengan lokasi hard disk misalnya C: D: ato yang lain
READ MORE - Mengembalikan Data FlashDisk / Membuka File Ter-Hidden

Lirik lagu a7x - i not ready to die

Gone cast away in time
Evil yours, now evil mine
So I robbed you blind, the voices
In my head could jest a less than
Peaceful side

The endless possibilities
Controlling every fight

You can't break me, crushed the
Fears of yesterday
You can't change me, barriers our trust will fade

I've stood in the dark, been
Waiting all this time
While we damn the dead I'm
Trying to survive, I'm not ready to die

Damned, watch the masses fall
Burn it down, control 'em all
Make me crawl, to daddy's little
Girl to read the writings on the wall

While cast into the nothingness
The final curtain call

You can't break me, crushed the
Fears of yesterday
You can't change me, barriers our trust will fade.
I've stood in the dark, been waiting all this time
While we damn the dead I'm
Trying to survive, I'm not ready to die

Through the madness we find
Loyalty is no match for power
Save your body or lie, left to rot in
Your darkest hour
Friends won't help you now as long as your mine

You can't break me, crushed the
Fears of yesterday
You can't change me, barriers our trust will fade

I've stood in the dark, been
Waiting all this time
While we damn the dead I'm
Trying to survive

And I'll control the world one
Person at a time
As I damn the dead I'm trying to
Survive, I'm not ready to die


I'm not ready to die
I'm not ready to die !!
I'm not ready to die !!
I'm not ready to die !!!
READ MORE - Lirik lagu a7x - i not ready to die

Lirik lagu a7x - 4.00 AM

There comes a day when we all find out for ourselves
That once we have the words to say, there’s no one left to tell
I know why you’re running away
There’s a place where nothing seems to be a simple cry of “He’s to blame!”
It’s all your mind, all your mind!
Something little shouldn’t feel this way, we got a million thoughts we can’t convey
It’s all your life, all your life!
It’s four in the morning, you got one more chance to die
Like beautiful stories, the greatest chapters flew right by
There comes a day when we all find out for ourselves
That once we have the words to say, there’s no one left to tell
I know why you’re running away
These things don’t happen here, another fictional reality
It’s all your mind, all your mind!
It’s just as good as any other day, I’m gonna teach you about mortality
No, it’s not right, it’s not right!
It’s four in the morning, you got one more chance to die
Like beautiful stories, the greatest chapters flew right by
There comes a day when we all find out for ourselves
That once we have the words to say, there’s no one left to tell
I know why you’re running away
In many ways, I guess I’ll never let you go
I’m close behind but I’ve got room here left to grow
Until our second chance, just enjoy the dance,
And find out who we are (these dreams will never leave you)
Let’s find out what we are (these troops will never leave you)
(Never leave you asking why)
It’s four in the morning, you got one more chance to die
Like beautiful stories, the greatest chapters flew right by
There comes a day when we all find out for ourselves
That once we have the words to say, there’s no one left to tell
I know why you’re running
I know why you’re running away
READ MORE - Lirik lagu a7x - 4.00 AM

Membuka Regedit Yang Terkunci

undefinedRegedit adalah salah satu gerbang untuk merubah dan melihat isi dari registry Windows kita. Dan registry adalah pusat dari hampir semua konfigurasi Windows. Jika registry kita bermasalah maka bisa di pastikan bahwa Windows anda tidak akan berjalan dengan baik. Dan celakanya, akhir-akhir ini virus lokal maupun import (virus komputer koq import ya…) sering kali memainkan registry sebagai trigger-nya.
Dan lebih menjengkelkan lagi, sering kali virus juga memblok Regedit alias Registry Editor sehingga kita tidak bisa melihat di key-key startup registry. Jika kita paksakan membuka Registry Editor maka kita akan mendapat pesan kesalahan.
Ada beberapa cara untuk membuka kembali regedit, tapi ada satu cara yang menjadi favorite saya karena kita akan memakai alat built-in Windows untuk merubah nilai-nilai registry kita, yaitu perintah DOS reg.
  1. Klik Start -> Run, ketik cmd lalu tekan Enter.
  2. Di prompt, ketikan REG DELETE HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System /v DisableRegistryTools lalu tekan Enter.
  3. Ketik Y ketika di konfirmasi.
    ketikan perintah reg
  4. Regedit anda sudah terbebas dari kuncian virus dan bisa dibuka kembali.
READ MORE - Membuka Regedit Yang Terkunci
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